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Home Claims Trading 507 Summit LLC Buys Claims From in Gulf Coast Healthcare

507 Summit LLC Buys Claims From in Gulf Coast Healthcare


July 13, 2022, US Bankruptcy Court for Delaware – 507 Summit LLC files notices pursuant to Rules 3001(e)(2) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure in the United States Bankruptcy Court for Delaware, of the transfer of the right, title and interest in claims of multiple transferors in the bankruptcy case of Gulf Coast Healthcare, LLC. The details of the claims transferred are as follows: 

Transferor Transferee Claim Amount Claim No.
Donald C Carr Jr 507 Summit LLC $100,000 20010
Anna Cilinski  507 Summit LLC $55,000 20005
Shirley Craft  507 Summit LLC $75,000 20012
Robert Johnson 507 Summit LLC $400,000 20018
Jimmy Lott 507 Summit LLC $130,000 20014

In re Gulf Coast Health Care, LLC, Case no. 21-11336, US Bankruptcy Court for Delaware


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