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Home Claims Trading Israel Aerospace Industries Transfers Claim in Face Amount $15.5 Million in LATAM Airlines Group SA

Israel Aerospace Industries Transfers Claim in Face Amount $15.5 Million in LATAM Airlines Group SA


February 8, 2022, Southern District of New York Citigroup Financial Products, Inc. file notices according to Rule 3001(e)(2) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District for New York, of the transfer of the right, title and interest in the claim of Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. in the bankruptcy case of LATAM Airlines Group SA. As per the transfer of claim form filed with the Court, Israel Group had a claim in the face amount of $15,597,870.00 (Claim No. 6398) against Debtor, Tam Linhas Areas SA, which it has unconditionally and irrevocably sold, transferred, and assigned to Citigroup now.

In re: LATAM Airlines Group SA, Case No. 20-11254


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