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Home New Cases Shapiro Seeks Return of Alleged Fraudulent Transfers in the Bankruptcy Case of Generation Next Franchise Brands, Inc. & Others

Shapiro Seeks Return of Alleged Fraudulent Transfers in the Bankruptcy Case of Generation Next Franchise Brands, Inc. & Others


December 14, 2021, District of Nevada – Brian D. Shapiro for the bankruptcy estate of Generation Next Franchise Brands, Inc., Reis & Irvy’s Inc., Print Mates, Inc., and 19 Degrees, Inc. (the “Debtors”) institutes a lawsuit against Green Asset, Inc. for avoidance and recovery of alleged fraudulent transfers.

Shapiro argues that while the Debtors’ Quick Books records state that the transfers were for investor relations work, but the Debtors’ books and records did not contain records substantiating the services performed by Green Asset. Accordingly, the Trustee seeks to avoid and recover the transfers related to improper payments for the benefit of the Debtors’ bankruptcy estate.

Brian Shapiro v. Green Asset, Inc. (In re Generation Next Franchise), Case 21-01270-mkn


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