Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn Approves the Appointment of Cullen and Dykman as Counsel For Aguila, Inc.
March 8, 2022, Southern District of New York – Upon the application of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Debtor Aguila, Inc. for entry of an order authorizing the employment and retention of the law firm, Cullen and Dykman LLP (the “Firm”) pursuant to sections 328 and 1103 of Bankruptcy Code, as counsel to the Committee effective as of February 10, 2022, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New York approves the appointment of the Firm. The application specifies that the Committee seeks to utilize the legal services of Cullen and Dykman because of the expertise and experience of Cullen and Dykman’s attorneys in bankruptcy cases and, specifically in representing creditors’ committees in Chapter 11 cases. Specifically, the applications state that Cullen and Dykman will provide the below services to the Committee, including, among other things, the following:
(a) advising the Committee concerning its rights, duties, and powers in the Debtor’s case;
(b) assisting and advising the Committee in its consultations with the Debtor relative to the administration of this chapter 11 case;
(c) assisting the Committee in analyzing the claims of the Debtor’s creditors and the Debtor’s capital structure and in negotiating with holders of claims and equity interests;
(d) assisting the Committee in its investigation of the acts, conduct, assets, liabilities, and financial condition of the Debtor and of the operation of the Debtor’s business;
(e) assisting the Committee in its investigation of the liens and claims of the holders of the Debtor’s pre-petition debt and the prosecution of any claims or causes of action revealed by such investigation;
(f) assisting the Committee in its analysis of, and negotiations with, the Debtor or any third party concerning matters related to, among other things, the assumption or rejection of certain leases of non-residential real property and executory contracts, asset dispositions, sale of assets, financing of other transactions and the terms of one or more plans of reorganization for the Debtor and accompanying disclosure statements and related plan documents;
(g) assisting and advising the Committee as to its communications to unsecured creditors regarding significant matters in this case;
(h) representing the Committee at hearings and other proceedings;
(i) reviewing and analyzing applications, orders, statements of operations, and schedules filed with the Court and advise the Committee as to their propriety;
(j) assisting the Committee in preparing pleadings and applications as may be necessary in furtherance of the Committee’s interests and objectives;
(k) preparing, on behalf of the Committee, any pleadings, including without limitation, motions, memoranda, complaints, adversary complaints, objections, or comments in connection with any of the foregoing;
(l) performing such other legal services as may be required or are otherwise deemed to be in the interests of the Committee in accordance with the Committee’s powers and duties as outlined in the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules, or other applicable law; and
(m) any other services appropriate under the circumstances of the Debtor’s case.
In re Aguilla, Inc., Case No.: 21-11776 (MG)