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Home New Cases Herold L. Law, PA Appointed as a Special Counsel in the Bankruptcy Case of 3P Hightstown LLC

Herold L. Law, PA Appointed as a Special Counsel in the Bankruptcy Case of 3P Hightstown LLC


May 3, 2021, District of Delaware – On May 3, 2021, the Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey issued an order appointing Herold L. Law, P.A. as a special counsel to represent the Debtors/Trustee in the bankruptcy case of 3P Hightstown LLC, (BK No. 21-12957). The Debtor had filed a motion requesting the appointment of the special counsel to pursue litigation against PRC Group and PRC Hightstown, LLC and their affiliated entities and individuals based on their breach of contract and fiduciary duties resulting in a significant loss to the Debtor.


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